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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Using Tablet Computers For "Intentional" Mobile Research
Author Seal, J.
Source CASRO Journal, 2012-2013, pp. 7-10
Year 2013
Access date 03.09.2013
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Much has been made of the emerging challenges of mobile data collection. Most of these concerns refer to what we might call “unintentional” mobile data collection: A survey designed to be viewed on a full-sized computer monitor and completed with a full-sized keyboard is completed via a mobile device, typically a smartphone, for which it was not optimized. Furthermore, some respondents may complete the survey while in public spaces where distractions prevent them from giving the task their full attention. While not ideal from the researcher’s perspective, efforts to restrict such mobile data collection can lead to reduced incidence or biased samples.

Year of publication2013
Bibliographic typeJournal article

Web survey bibliography (4086)
